PLANPinellas was adopted on October 25, 2022, with an effective date of January 1, 2023. To view the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, please see the resources below:
PLANPinellas is the County’s comprehensive plan, a policy document that guides decision-making by setting policies for future land use, economic development, mobility, natural resource protection, public services and many other issues that shape the quality of life for nearly one million residents. PLANPinellas primarily serves Unincorporated Pinellas County and provides guidance to our 24 municipalities to ensure better coordination across the entire county.
The eight Guiding Principles of the PLANPinellas’ policies include: Sustainable Future; Healthy Communities; Strong Local Economy; Housing Options; Multimodal Transportation; Natural Resource Protection; Best Practices; and Responsible Regionalism. The discussion around these Principles can be viewed in the Vision Chapter.
PLANPinellas Policy Chapters
Major Topics Of The Plan
A countywide plan must address complex social, economic and environmental issues to improve quality of life for our citizens. PLANPinellas represents a wide range of policies visualized as five primary gears, all moving each other and turning around the core vision: to build a better future together where everyone can thrive.
PLANPinellas supports five key components of a community including Housing, Jobs, Education, Mobility and Livability. These components influence development patterns, protect natural resources, and improve services that enhance our quality of life. Select a gear to learn more about each component and understand the individual Plan chapters’ alignment.
In our densely-populated, diverse community, the local transportation system must be varied enough to serve everyone’s needs. That means safe, convenient travel for motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and transit riders, especially finding new ways to link population centers with job locations, businesses, parks and other basic services.
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Attracting and retaining high-wage jobs, whether through small entrepreneurs or larger companies expanding in our community, is essential for a strong, resilient local economy. Setting policies that continue to make Pinellas County an attractive place to do business is a top priority.
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The Vision details how the plan aims to meet the complex challenges of the future. The principles supporting the vision address key issues identified by our community: economic and environmental sustainability, creating healthy communities, offering quality housing options, providing multimodal transportation, using smart technology and building partners to promote responsible regionalism.
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Housing Options
Safe, quality housing located near jobs, schools, basic services and recreation is an essential need for every resident. Spurring housing options that are affordable and accessible to everyone is key to this community’s future.
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How do we make the best use of our natural resources while improving the services and amenities that make Pinellas County a favored place to call home? Livability means safe neighborhoods with convenient access to parks, businesses, transportation and cultural activities that improve residents’ health and quality of life. It’s based on stewardship of the natural environment – protecting our coastline, green spaces, water and air quality, while minimizing risks from hazards such as flooding and sea level rise. It is sustained by consistent everyday services, such as sustainable drinking water and solid waste management.
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Education is the foundation for a skilled workforce to support businesses looking to grow here. Linking the County’s educational system – from pre-kindergarten to college – to the evolving job market ensures workers today and tomorrow can thrive in this community.
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Pinellas County has evolved since the last major comprehensive plan update in 2008, and our public policy must reflect the needs of our changing community. Here are a few examples of how the updated plan addresses some of the key challenges and opportunities for our future.
- Promotes redevelopment in urban centers and corridors, especially multi-use, multifamily housing.
- Introduces policies to enhances safety for all types of transportation users as more people use alternative transportation.
- Uses a Health in All Policies approach, aiming for equitable access to amenities and resources.
- Expands opportunities to maintain and build affordable housing to sustain our local workforce.
- Supports small businesses and companies seeking to relocate and bring new jobs to the County.
- Continues to preserve the County’s valuable green spaces.
- Accounts for sea-level rise and increased flood vulnerability in development and public safety decision-making.